
Youth Ministry

We engage all children, ages 3-17 to participate in the mission  of the church and become involved in the activities of the church. Our Sunday school focuses on the spiritual growth of our youth with an emphasis on Bible based lessons, activities and projects that make the love of Jesus come alive  and become evident in their daily lives. Our Summer Enrichment Programs provide students a head start to prepare for the upcoming school year. Join us in spreading the love of Jesus in the community.


Ladies ministry

Episcopal Church Women oversee the Church Periodical Club, Mission Response, Student Service Award, United Thank Offering (UTO) and assist with the Altar Guild, Emergency Food Pantry, Prayer and Worship.  Come share  your gifts with us.


Music ministry

Accept our invitation to join us in making a joyful noise unto the Lord by becoming a part of our music ministry. We have praise and worship every  Sunday and the only thing we are missing is you. Regardless of wither you know how to play an instrument, have been singing for years or interested in learning how to sing, we invite you to share your desire to serve God and spread the joy and love of Jesus in this ministry.


Men’s Ministry

If you are a man looking to support the church mission of serving God in our community then we invite you to join our Men’s Ministry. This active, faithful, caring and generous group meets monthly with a meal to share, planing programs and event to support the outreach and community development of the church. Sub-committees of this ministry provide audio and visual support in the recording of our services with digital video, photos and audio recording of worship services and events.  There is also a computer literacy ministry to help young and old become proficient with their computer, tablet or smart phone.  We welcome you to bring your ideas, talents and gifts to help us build and enrich our service to God.


Young Adult Ministry

All young adults ages 18-30 participate in the mission of the church and take an active role in the development of  event and the activities of the church.  Join us in spreading the love of Jesus in the community and the lives of those we love..


Bible Study and Other Ministries

Bible Study – Meet weekly to discuss the living word of God, book by book. We have lively discussions as we learn how to apply the principles of God’s word in our daily lives.

Altar Guild – The care and preparation of the altar and sanctuary for all of the Church’s liturgies; the regular services on Sunday, any weekday services, wedding, funerals and the other special services  and order items needed for the worship as  well as the maintenance of vestments and paraments.

Lay Eucharist Ministers / Chalice Bearers / Acolytes – Provide assistance to the Priest during mass and other religious ceremonies and administer the Holy Sacraments to the sick and shut-ins.
